Thoughts and Chats
of Publications
of the Book: Thoughts
and Chats
Author, Editor,
Translator, etc.: Epiktetos; Translated by Burhan TOPRAK; Simplified to
current language by Mehmet AYDIN
Type : Literature
of the World
Printing: 1st
Printing Year
: 1999
Subject No.: 188
Number of Pages:
XVII, 137 pages
Size: 20
No.: 2262
Name of Series: Series of Works of the World Literature
Series No.:
ISBN: 975-17-2140-7
Number of Printed
Copies: 3000
Price: TL.700.000.-
I am Epiktetos
who became İros (a renowned destitute) from slave, invalid, destitute and poverty,
however, being lover of the God. Real name of the philosophe which has been
known as Epiktetos in history approximately since nineteen centuries is unknown.
Epiktetos however is a word, not a name; it means a man who was purchased, slave,
servant. Words of Epiktetos had been so convincing and seducing that even hopeless
persons had been caused to return life.