IV. Sultan Murad’s Diary on Revan and Tebriz Military Expedition ( IV. Sultan Murad’ın Revan ve Tebriz Seferi Ruz-Namesi)
of Publications
of the Book:
IV. Sultan Murad’s Diary on Revan and Tebriz Military Expedition ( IV. Sultan
Murad’ın Revan ve Tebriz Seferi Ruz-Namesi)
Author, Editor,
Translator, etc.: Yunus ZEYBEK
Type: History
Printing: 1st
Printing Year: 1999
Subject No.: 956.10153
Number of Pages:
IX, 181(8) pages;
Size: 20
No.: 2251
Name of Series: Series of Ottoman Works
Series No.:
ISBN: 975-17-2207-1
Number of Printed
Copies: 3000
Price: TL.800.000.-
This Work which
will enlighten an era in which a Great Empire at its peak had been shaken by
interior insurrections has been prepared by benefiting from original texts and
documents. This Book which contains also historical, geographical, literature,
folklore, ethnological and ethnography materials, together with social and political
events of the time has been printed on the occasion of 700. Anniversary of
Ottoman Empire.