Aşık Veysel Photo Album


Aşık Veysel 1959

With Veysel Junior during a tour in Anatolia, İstanbul, 1952

In Mevlana Museum of Konya

Veysel giving an open air concert to the students of the village in Karatepe, Year 1961

A breakfast with Major General Fuat Uyar at the Sivas Garrison, October 30, 1964

Veysel with Cemal Gürsel


With teachers from Şarkışla, Ahmet at the right side, 1967

In front of Mevlana Museum with folk poets and folklorist during the folk Poets Fets in Konya

With his son Ahmet at Ankara Yükseliş High School,
February 26, 1969


Veysel waiting by the stall with his grandson Doğan, 1971


Veysel's funeral in Sivrialan on March 21, 1973