Tevfik Fikret
Great Turkish Poet.
His real personality in poetry emerged when he became the literary editor of
the "Servet-i Fünun" journal. Fikret, while at first writing romantic lyrical
poems made a sharp turn towards social issues after 1908 and the acceptance
of the Constitution. His poems called "Sis" (Fog) and "Bir lahza-, Teehhür"
tell us about the repressive regime of the Abdülhamit days. "Tarih-i Kadim"
on the other hand is constructed with lines which tell about religious pressures
and a wish to destroy reactionary attitudes.
After the establishment
of the constitutional system, he published the paper Tanin with another famous
journalist Hüseyin Cahit. His poem "Sis" was published in its first issue.
He published "Haluk'un
Cevabı" in 1911, which was followed by "Şermin". He also published a magazine
for children called "Ümit ve Azim". Fikret who was an outspoken person instantly
revolting against injustice, died on August 19, 1915. His grave is at Aşiyan.
His home is now a museum and a Tevfik Fikret Association is also established.
His poetry is collected in a volume titled "Rübab-ı Şikeste".