ARIT, Fikret
Writer (b. 3 October 1918, Karadeniz Ereğlisi – d. 11 November 1987). He graduated from the middle class at İstanbul’s Robert College (1935). Before joining the world of publishing, he did several jobs such as working in a bank, in the coal trade and at a travel agency. In 1959, after working as a journalist for Yeni İstanbul newspaper, he began to work for the Anatolia Agency and Hayat magazine (1956-62). He then chose to be a professional writer for the rest of his life.
With his first children’s play, he received two Radio and TV Children’s Play Awards at the Turkish Radio and Television Corporation Art Awards Competition in 1970. With his work Özgürlüğe Doğru (Towards Freedom), he won the second prize at the Sıtkı Dost Children’s Literature Awards in 1984.
NOVEL: Mansilâ (Mansilâ, 1944), Güzel Yuana (Beautiful Yuana, 1946), Maziden Gelen Sesler (Voices Coming From the Past, 1953), Bu Hayatı Yaşamak Lazım (We Should Live This Life, 1955), Muhtar (Chief, 1957), Kader Böyle İmiş (This Was Our Fate, 1958), Hep Bu Topraklar İçin (All for These Lands, 1961), Tutsak Doğanlar (Born Captive, 1980).
SHORT STORY: Türk Havacılık Hikâyeleri (Turkish Aviation Stories, 1966).
CHILDREN’S NOVEL: Küçük Fedailer (Little Guards, 1962), Garip (Poor, 1966), Transfer Ahmet (Transfer Ahmet, 1969).
RESEARCH: Adlarını Göklere Yazdılar (They Wrote Their Names in the Sky, 1964), Havalarda İlk Türk Kadınları (The First Turkish Women in the Air, 1967).