Stolen Books In The Akseki Yeğen Mehmet Paşa Library

Inventory no. : 303/1

Title : Behçetü’l-Elbâb fi ilmi’l-usturlab
Place and date : 1161 (1748)
Language : Arabic
Kind of script : Nesih
Size : 160x103-113x58 mm.
Number of lines : 15
Number of folios : 1b-32a
Speciality of paper : With marka design.
Speciality of the binding : Dark red leather, in the binding with shamsa and miklep.
Nots : Start of word and bands are red. There is an explanation about degrees of the sun course on 6 b and there is Yeğen Mehmet Pasha’s colt on the 3 a.

Inventory no. : 303/2

Title : Kifayetü’l-Kunû fi’l-Ameli bi’r-Rub’i’l-Maktû
Author : Sıbt el-Mardinî Bedreddin Muhammed b. Muhammed (826-
Place and date : 1152 (1739/40)
Language : Arabic
Kind of script : Nesih
Size : 160x103-113x58 mm.
Number of lines : 15
Number of folios : 35b-46b
Speciality of paper : With marka design.
Speciality of the binding : It is in the dark red leather with shamsa and miklep.
Nots : Start of word and drawing are red.

Inventory no. : 303/3

Title : Risale fi’l-Amel bi’r-Rub’i’l-Müceyyeb
Author : Kâdızâde-i Rûmî Sâlâheddin Musâ b. Mehmed (840/1437)
Place and date : 1153 (1740/41)
Language : Arabic
Kind of script : Nesih
Size :160x103-113x58 mm.
Number of lines : 15
Number of folios : 46b-54a
Speciality of paper : With marka design.
Speciality of the binding : It is in the dark red leather with shamsa and miklep.
Nots : Start of word and bands had been written with red ink.

Inventory no. : 192

Title : Nakdü’d-dürer fi şerhi’l-gurer
Author : Vankulu Mehmed Efendi b. Mustafa (1000/1591-2)
Place and date :
Language : Arabic
Kind of script : Nesih Kırması
Size : 195x125-130x55 mm.
Number of lines : 21
Number of folios : 272
Speciality of paper : Pair of scales and united letter design.
Speciality of the binding : Brown leather with shamsa design.
Nots : Start of word is red. There is a foundation in the Marolya Library of Mustafa Behçet.
The manuscript (no:192) is in the library, but there are no pages between 61. and 192. page also from 261. page to 272.