Midyat, which is a museum city like Mardin, is approximately 1.5 hours away from Mardin. Midyat, where, rock mansions, gates with arches, Süryani churches with minaret like ascending gong towers, is reminding a Medieval city. City center is moved to 2 km. away Estel with slowly leaving the region of Süryanis and emigration. Most beautiful samples of masonry, known as Telkari were in Midyat. A few telkari masters are trying to continue their job within Midyat bazaar. You should absolutely see....
This very important province of Mardin is also famous with silver smiting. Province, which is an important place in connection with handicrafts is also attractive related with tourism. Deyrulumur Monastery, which is 18 km. east of the province is constructed in 397 A. D. On 640 A. D. during Hz. Ömer, when Arabic Islam army cooperates with Süryanis, and enter into Mesopotamia, for especially preservation of this piece of arts a privilege is given to it by Hz.
Ömer's order. There were a rich library within the monastery formerly. There were also a theology church, in which thousands of students were educating. Products such as Oak, Bitim, Pistachio and unique Russian cucumber and melon is cultivated in Midyat. It is a junction point, where most quality grapes of the world are cultivated.

The province, which is a part of Upper Mesopotamia, is founded in Tur-Abidin (Turabdin) Region. Midyat, is known as "Matiate", which means cavern city in 9th century B. C. Asur Tablets. Probably its name is coming from this.
Midyat, which is 1,5 hour away from Mardin, shows the similar climate characteristics as Mardin. Summers are very hot and dry, and winters are rainy and cold in Midyat, which has the characteristics of both Mediterranean climate and terrestrial climate.