Tandir Soup
Sample Dishes from Turkish Cuisine
Soup (Tandır
Ingredients | Measure | Amount |
Chickpeas | 1/3 cup | 60 gr |
Water | 6 cup | 1200 gr |
Potato | 5 small size | 250 gr |
Onion | 1 small size | 30 gr |
Butter or margarine | 4 tablespoon | 40 gr |
Tomato paste | 1 1/2 tablespoon | 15 gr |
Salt | 2 teaspoon | 12 gr |
Bulgur | 1/3 cup | 50 gr |
Mint | 1 tablespoon | 1.3 gr |
Soak chickpeas
overnight with 1 cup of water. Cook in a pressure saucepan with 2 cups of water
for 40 minutes or until tender. Set aside. Cook potatoes until tender. Peel
and grate (or mash) while still hot. Set aside. Saute chopped onion in margarine
for 1-2 minutes in a saucepan. Add tomato paste, chickhpeas with liquid and
water mixing well. Season with salt. Bring to boil. Stir in bulgur; mix. Simmer
for 20 minutes or until bulgur is tender. Dilute mashed potato with 1 cup of
soup mixture. Blend in soup stiıring thoroughly. Simmer for 6-8 minutes. Sprinkle
with crushed mint; stir. Serve hot.
(in approximately one serving)
Energy | 144 cal |
Protein | 3,8 g |
Fat | 6,1 g |
Carbohydrates | 19,5 g |
Calcium | 22 mg |
Iron | 1,36 mg |
Phosphorus | 81 mg |
Zinc | 1 mg |
Sodium | 788 mg |
Vitamin A | 205 iu |
Thiamine | 0,09 mg |
Riboflavin | 0,05 mg |
Niacin | 1,16 mg |
Vitamin C | 4 mg |
Cholesterol | 0 mg |
Regional Characteristics:
"Tandır" is a
type of built in stove, known and used since old Anatolian Turks and still in
use in many parts of the country. This soup has been cooked in Nevşehir province
in tandır. People in Sivas province call it "Potato Soup" and use minced meat
instead of chickpeas.