Green Beans Stew With Meat
Sample Dishes from Turkish Cuisine
Beans Stew With Meat (Etli Taze Fasulye)
Ingredients | Measure | Amount |
Green Beans | -- | 1 kg |
Tomatoes | 2 medium size | 250 gr |
Onions | 2 large size | 150 gr |
Boneless lamb shoulder or shank | -- | 250 gr |
Butter or margarine | 3 tablespoons | 30 gr |
Tomato paste | 1 tablespoon | 10 gr |
Salt | 2 teaspoon | 12 gr |
Water | 2 cups | 400 ml |
Cut meat into
2 1/2-3 cm (1-1 1/4, inch) cubes. Combine with finely chopped onions. Brown
in margarine for 8-10 minutes; drain. Add tomato paste, lukewarm water and salt;
stir. Cover and simmer for 40 minutes or until meat is tender. Snap off ends
of beans. Cut crosswise into 4-5 cm (1 1/2-2 inch) long pieces. Add to simmering
meat mixing well. Cover and simmer for 15-20 minutes or until beans are tender.
Stir in tomatoes cut into quarters. Simmer covered for 10-15 minutes. Serve
(in approximately one serving)
Energy | 178 cal |
Protein | 11,3 g |
Fat | 9,3 g |
Carbohydrates | 14,6 g |
Calcium | 99 mg |
Iron | 2,70 mg |
Phosphorus | 163 mg |
Zinc | 2 mg |
Sodium | 796 mg |
Vitamin A | 1411 iu |
Thiamine | 0,19 mg |
Riboflavin | 0,26 mg |
Niacin | 3,68 mg |
Vitamin C | 20 mg |
Cholesterol | 36 mg |
Regional Characteristics:
It is very popular
summer dish, served with rice or bulgur pilaf and cacık.