Aras Basin

Ardahan Forest

City: Ardahan

Ardahan Merkez

Surface Area : 2500

Altitude : 1930 - 2291 m

Protection: N/A

Main Characteristics: forest, swamp

Aktaş Lake

City: Ardahan

Provinces: Çıldır

Surface Area : 2700

Altitude : 1798 m

Protection: Yes

Bird Species: It is determined as one of the there regions, where ak pelikan (50 pairs) and seven regions, where tepeli pelikan (20 pairs) breeds.

Main Characteristics: salt lake

Çıldır Lake

City: Ardahan

Provinces: Çıldır

Surface Area : 14000

Altitude : 1962

Protection: N/A

Bird Species: It gains important bird areas status with angıt (max. 480) and Van Lake martısı (1100 pairs reproducing in the islands, max. individual number 2400).

Main Characteristics: sweet water lake

Kuyucuk Lake

City: Kars

Provinces: Arpaçay

Surface Area: 219

Altitude : 1627 m

Protection: Yes

Bird Species: Dikkuyruk (2 pairs).

Main Characteristics: sweet water lake

Çalı Lake

Surface Area: 25

Protection: N/A

Main Characteristics: sweet water lake, swamp

Balık Lake

City: Kars

Provinces: Kars Merkez

Surface Area : 3400

Altitude : 2235 m

Protection: Yes

Bird Species: It gains important bird areas status with 10 pairs of dikkuyruk.

Main Characteristics: sweet water lake

Doğubeyazıt Reed Bed

City: Ağrı

Provinces: Doğubeyazıt

Surface Area : 8750

Altitude : 1520 m

Protection: N/A

Bird Species: Important numbers of (10 pairs) çayır delicesi reproduce within the region.

Main Characteristics: sweet water swamp, steppe