Van Closed Basin

Nemrut Lake

City: Bitlis

Provinces: Tatvan, Güroymak

Surface Area : 4500

Altitude :
2247 m

Protection: N/A

Bird Species: It gains important bird areas status with kadife ördek (max. 20 pairs) and kaya kartalı (1 pair).

Main Characteristics: sweet water lake, mountain


City: Bitlis

Provinces: Adilcevaz

Surface Area : 1500

Altitude : 1650 m

Protection: N/A

Bird Species: Boz ördek (10 pairs), Macar ördeği (30 pairs) are dikkuyruk (30 pairs) most important ones reproducing within the region.

Main Characteristics: salt lake

Erçek Lake

City: Van

Provinces: Van Merkez

Surface Area : 9520

Altitude : 1803 m

Protection: N/A

Bird Species: It gains important bird areas status with kılıçgaga (50 pairs) and büyük cılıbıt. Important numbers of kara boyunlu batağan (max. 4430) and angıt (max. 5600) can be observed.

Main Characteristics: salt lake

Van Lake

City: Van, Bitlis

Provinces: Van Merkez, Edremit, Gevaş, Tatvan, Ahlat, Adilcevaz, Erçiş, Muradiye

Surface Area : 390.000

Protection: partially

Bird Species:
It gains important bird areas status due to Van Reed bed breeding yaz ördeği (5 pairs), Sodalıgöl's (important bird areas status no. 94) just east present peninsula reproducing toy (during reproduction period max. 32 individual) as well as Ahtamar Island (80 pairs), Çarpanak Island (500 pairs) and probably other areas breeding Van Lake martısı (max. 3285 individual). Ak kanatlı sumru can be seen during immigration period.

Main Characteristics: salt lake, islands