Categories And Criteria
A1 Category : Species, whose generation is world wide under danger Criteria: Area shelters Bird Species, which are regularly considerable numbers of generation under danger.
A2 Category: Narrow spreading area having species Criteria : In the area, it is known or estimated that Bird Species, whose distribution of reproduction populations is composing an Endemic Bird Area - EBA or Secondary Area - SA, and has a narrow spreading area, are present with important ratios.
A3 Category : Species group, whose spreading is limited with biomes Criteria : In the area, it is known or estimated that Bird Species, whose distribution of huge part or whole part of the populations is limited within a biome, are sheltered with important ratios.
A4(i) Category : Groups Criteria : Area, regularly, 1 % of biogeographic population of one or more water bird species, which are present as groups during certain periods, shelters.
A4(ii) Category : Groups Criteria : Area, regularly, 1 % of global population of one or more sea bird or territorial species, which are present as groups during certain periods, shelters.
A4(iii) Category : Groups Criteria : Area, regularly, from one or more species, 20.000 water bird individuals or 10.000 sea bird pairs shelters.
A4(iv) Category : Groups Criteria : Area is functioning as "immigration pass" for immigrant species, which are flying collectively during immigration.
B1(i) Category : Groups Criteria :Area, regularly, shelters the 1 % of an independent population or immigration route of one or more water bird species, which are present as groups during certain periods.
B1(ii) Category : Groups Criteria : Area, regularly, shelters the 1 % of an independent population or immigration route of one or more sea bird species, which are present as groups during certain periods.
B1(iii) Category : Groups Criteria :Area, regularly, shelters the 1 % of an independent population or immigration route of other bird species, which are present as groups during certain periods.
B1(iv) Category : Groups Criteria :Area, during spring and autumn immigrations, functions as an "immigration pass" for storks more than 5000 or birds of prey, pelicans or storks more than 3000.
B2 Category : Negative protection species Criteria : Area is one of the most important "n" areas for a SPEC Category 1, 2, 3 - Protection Condition Negative and important bird areas approach protection complying specie.
B3 Category : Protection condition positive but populations are dense within Europe species Criteria : Area, is one of the most important "n" areas for a SPEC Category 4 - Protection Condition Positive, but dense within Europe and important bird areas approach protection complying specie.