Afyon - Akdag Natural Park


The Akdağ Natural Park covers a 14.916 hectare area in between the borders of Sandıklı District of Afyon Province and Çivril District of Denizli Province.

Highlights: The environment, the affluence of the wild life, the interesting canyons, valleys and landscape values, and the recreation potentiality of Akdağ are the main characteristics of this Natural Park. As a result of the rich plant variety, it is intend to protect this place effectively. To provide the use of it, on the condition that beginning from the neighbourhood; in the region; and in the whole country, and to develop it in order to provide the use of it for different re - creative utilities in the balance of protection and usage; and to leave it to the next generations as a national heritage the area had been taken under the status of Natural Park.

Facililities: Akdağ Natural Park takes place within the Internal Anatolia Region Directorate of Kütahya National Parks and Wild Hunting Area Head Engineers Office. It had been proclaimed as a "Natural Park" at the date of 29.06.2000.